Event Collateral

Santa Clara Library

Problem Statement

Design a collateral that consists of invites, brochure, signage, bookmark, posters and website banner for events organized by the Santa Clara Library Foundation & Friends.

Category: Event Collateral

Client: Santa Clara Library Foundation & Friends

Event 1: Librarypalooza


Librarypalooza is Santa Clara Library’s annual fundraising event, which is a festival with food, music, dance, socializing and a live auction. This year’s theme was Mardi Gras.

Target Audience: Potential donors, sponsors, advertisers

Color Palette

The color palette used in the designs was inspired by how the festival is celebrated in the US and other parts of the world. The bright colors give the actual feel of Mardi Gras.

Santa Clara Library


For the headlines, decorative typeface I.F.C. Los Banditos was used. It complimented the design well. Helvetica was used for the body copy for clarity and to give more emphasis to the graphical elements.

Santa Clara Library


Colorful mask is a significant part of Mardi Gras costumes and is easily relatable to the festival. Hence the eyepiece/mask was used as the primary graphic representation of the theme in all the communication material.

Santa Clara Library

1. Two-sided invitation

Size: 4”x6”

Santa Clara Library

2. Bi-fold brochure

Flat size: 11”x8.5”

Santa Clara Library

Santa Clara Library

Santa Clara Library

3. Poster 1

Flat size: 12”x18”

Santa Clara Library

4. Poster 2

Flat size: 12”x18”

Santa Clara Library

5. Signage

Flat size: 11”x8.5”

Santa Clara Library

6. Website Banner

Santa Clara Library

Event 2: Annual Book Sale


The Santa Clara Library Foundation & Friends organizes a mega book sale every year, inviting people to donate books, buy books and volunteer for the library. In 2019, the book sale was held at the West Field Mall in San Jose, California.

Target Audience: Families, book lovers, readers, book donors

Color Palette

A bright color palette was chosen to grab the attention of the readers. The colors of the logo were also included in the palette. The bright colors make the posters legible to the readers even at a distance.

Santa Clara Library


Variations of Helvetica was used across the designs to communicate the message clearly.


The logo in white was used on designs with dark background and the one in black was used on light background.

Santa Clara Library

1. Poster 1

Size: 24”x36”

Santa Clara Library

2. Poster 2 and 3

Size: 8”x10.5”

Santa Clara Library

3. Poster 4 and 5

Size: 8”x10.5”

Santa Clara Library

4. Poster 6

Size: 24”x36”

Santa Clara Library

5. Poster 7

Size: 24”x36”

Santa Clara Library

6. Bookmark

Size: 2.5”x6”

Santa Clara Library