Landing Page for Design Agency

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About the Company

Train of Thought Design is a California-based design company that offers personalized graphic designs for home and gifting.

Problem Statement

Currently, the company sells their products and services through Instagram and Etsy stores. To meet the growing demand and retain existing customers, a company website with an engaging landing page is essential.


Apart from engaging the users, the landing page should also let the business sell and capture leads. It should offer something to the customer that relates to the company’s product line which in turn will help in building trust and elevate the brand image.


To start with, I analyzed several landing pages of popular websites. Below are the ones which I believe are very effective.


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Shopify's trial landing page keeps it simple. The user-oriented headline is just a few words and the page relies on simple bullets to communicate the trial's details and benefits. There is only one field the user needs to fill out to get started.


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Lyft's landing page focuses on their driver's main motivation: earning money easily.

In addition to the ‘Apply Form’ that asks for just the mobile number, drivers can also calculate how much they would earn by entering their city. They receive a dollar amount followed by a new CTA, ‘Apply To Drive’.

By offering these two conversion paths, Lyft is able to address two different types of people - those who are ready to make the decision and those who need a little more information before they convert.

Khan Academy

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This page is clearly designed for four different types of visitors: those who want to learn something, those who want to teach, the parents who are interested in using Khan Academy for their kids and the school districts.

What’s common?

• White space- A lot of white space. White space increases readability and visual hierarchy.
• Few links - Since the goal is to capture leads, it is better to not distract the users with links and information that may not lead to conversion.
• One prominent CTA- One clear CTA makes it easier to be noticed and does not confuse the user.
• Brief and catchy - Content associated with the CTA should be right to the point.
• Testimonials - A great way to establish authority and trust.
• Image- Visuals on the landing page should be related to the product or service that you’re offering.
• Language - Avoid using language/tone that doesn’t resonate with your audience.

Getting Started

Let’s make Train of Thought Design’s product guide available on the landing page for the users to download. This way, the company could also build their email list of prospective customers.

User Persona

By talking to people, I figured out the expectations and desires of the users. That helped me to decide how we could help them. I also realized that Train of Thought’s products and services are meant for a specific audience and not everyone.

After analyzing some pain points, I created a persona that represented the user base.

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The Landing Page

With all the commonalities observed in my research, I tried to implement all of them into the landing page. Personally, I prefer the style that has a clean, non-scrolling first page with minimal text and graphics. The additional content should follow when the user scrolls down.

Wireframe Sketch

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High-fidelity wireframes

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The primary goals of the landing page are to

1) Let visitors download the product guide, and

2) Collect visitors’ email IDs to build the audience and generate potential leads.

After the user clicks on the above link, this message pops up:

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After entering and submitting the details, the user will receive the following message:

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The interaction with the visitors should not stop after they signed up/downloaded/purchased the product or service from website. There should be some other CTAs. Here, the “Back to Homepage,” button helps in user retention.

Diving Deep

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Next Steps

1. Conduct User testing: User testing is essential to understand the UX issues in the current iteration in order to fix them in the future.

2. Spend more time on user research for different sample groups: Conduct in depth interviews to cater to a wide range of audience.


This project gave me a brand new vision on how successful landing pages (the ones that convert) look like.

Although it is just a landing page, the strategy behind the creation is much more complicated than I’ve imagined. From page layout to copywriting to visual hierarchy, it is a combination of UX and marketing.

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