Paper and Pixels

Paper and Pixels

Problem Statement

Design a logo for Paper and Pixels, a creative agency formed by a group of students to help small local businesses attain their marketing goals.

Category: Branding

Logo Objective

• Brand identification
• Establish brand recall
• Create a good first impression

Client Requirements

The logo should reflect the characteristics of the company and represent what it stands for. It should also communicate their marketing principle, “Back to basics to make the complex simple”.

Color Scheme

Paper and Pixels

Hot Pink is young and hip. It is also a good way to break the stereotype associated with the color. Pink is more versatile than representing just feminine products.

Grey depicts neutrality. It maintains balance and helps in adding legibility. The combination of pink and grey gave Paper & Pixels a youthful and modern look.

Building Solution

Paper and Pixels


• The logo needs to be further simplified.
• The nib misleads the audience.
• The “&” is too loud.
• Pixels need not be represented.
• Single “P” might be enough to communicate the message.

Typeface Exploration

Paper and Pixels

Final Solution

Paper and Pixels

Paper and Pixels

Business Card

Paper and Pixels

Paper and Pixels

The business card designed and printed for Paper and Pixels is attractive and creates a good first impression about the brand.

Layer Separation

Paper and Pixels

Business Card Holder

Paper and Pixels

Print Specifications

Business Card
• Soft touch on one side
• Dimensional UV on both sides
• Design and dimentional UV layers were separated and shared as separate files for print

Business Card Holder
• Soft touch and dimensional UV on one side
• Design and dimentional UV layers were separated and shared as separate files for print
• Die cut to make slits to slide in the business card
• Off-center crease to fold

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